jacaranda o2
35h x 35w x 3.5d” | A V A I L A B L E
Made of dozens of plaster casts of a single rare 3-sided “Jacaranda pod”, this art piece celebrates the dramatic and hypnotizing purple flowering tree and the organic forms of the pods themselves. The pods, or fruit, are delicate yet hard like bone when mature, then crush into chalky dust once they open and die. Their shells, or cases, are tough against your palm yet smooth and ruffled between your fingers. They are carefully engineered to discourage unwanted attention from hungry foragers. They start out fresh and green but then morph into a rich brown with a woody smokey smell, big and sharp and herbaceous. The pods contain flat seeds with fragile wings. I can’t explain why, but I have long been infatuated by these curious undulating forms. So finding a rare 3-sided pod upon a walk one day spurred the creation of my second Jacaranda-inspired work. Introducing Jacaranda 02, a study in the dimensional poetry of the beautiful Jacaranda mimosifolia : )